Tax day is April 15th

Employment and Volunteer Opportunities Abound

Want to be a part of the great work of Helping Link and a make a difference in the lives of many?

There are several ways you can get involved both as an employee or volunteers. These include:


We’re Hiring

Helping Link is looking to hire two staff members—an Executive Assistant and a Director of Programs. Learn more about these positions, including how to apply, at Know someone who might be interested? Please forward these opportunities.


Serve on the Board

The Helping Link Board of Directors—an all-volunteer board—is looking for others to join. Gain invaluable leadership skills and be part of the decision-making helping guide the future of the organization. Join our Board of Directors. Learn more at


Match Your Interests with Volunteer Opportunities

There are many opportunities to share your talents and expertise as a volunteer with Helping Link. This includes teaching ESL and technology classes, marketing and communications, website support and more. Learn more and sign up today at