Tax day is April 15th

Strategic Retreat Vison Board

Strategic Planning Retreat

Diane Cowles, Honorable Board Advisor for Helping Link, shares outcomes and goals from gathering of leaders.


On Seafair Weekend in early August, within a pocket of quietness at Helping Link’s new hub’s meeting facility, a dedicated group of Helping Link staff, Board Members and volunteers met for a Strategic Planning Retreat. Under the expert guidance of Amadeo Cruz Guiao of Lunas Consulting, the two-day session was an opportunity to look forward by reflecting on our history and mission. With a new location in Renton and the chances therein for reaching and helping the Vietnamese population located in Seattle and regionwide, the retreat was a timely revisioning exercise.

The group achieved its goal of assessment and the development of strategic priorities for the next three years. Helping Link’s new home in Renton was a key point and catalyst for what can be achieved. Some ideas put forth include:

•Connections and relationship with community leaders
•Expansion of services
•Diversification of funding
•Program transformation
•Addressing societal issues that adversely affect Vietnamese families

Such lofty goals require a dose of reality for finances and achievable steps. A whole day was spent examining chunks of priorities through do-able terms. In the coming months, more achievable work on priorities will continue through sub-committees and individuals as assigned.

In wrapping up, the retreat participants were content with the plans and goals set forth for Helping Link’s future success.